
Mr. Andre Pfannkuche successfully defends his doctoral thesis 


Mr. André Pfannkuche successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic, "Prevalence and risk factors for the development of distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus" on October 7, 2021.


Mr. Leon Schubert successfully defends his doctoral thesis

Leon_SchubertMr. Leon Schubert successfully defended his PhD thesis on 31 August 2021 on the topic, "Monocyte subtypes and their functionality in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis compared to healthy controls. An investigation based on recent characterization markers" successfully defended.


Mr. Ronnie Morgenroth and Ms. Hien Minh LeDeffge successfully defends their doctoral thesis

Ronnie Morgenroth-w400xHien Minh Le-Deffge-w400x

Mr. Ronnie Morgenroth successfully defended his PhD thesis on March 25, 2021 on the topic, "Autoantibody formation and mapping of immunogenic epitopes against the cold shock protein YB-1 in tumor patients and healthy control subjects".

Ms. Hien Minh Le-Deffge successfully defended her PhD thesis on February 25, 2021 on the topic, "Influence of Notch-3 receptor on immune cell repertoire and activity in lymphoreticular tissue and macrophage differentiation".


Dr. Florian Scurt wins 2nd place in the 2019 GC-I³ Paper of the Year for his work on kidney transplantation

Dr. Scurt (a resident in the Department of Renal and Hypertension Diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology) was recognized for his work in „Clinical outcomes after ABO-incompatible renal transplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis“, which was published in the renowned journal "The Lancet".



Dissertation Award of the Medical Faculty

Dr. med. Alexander Fehr was awarded the dissertation prize of the Medical Faculty for research into chronic inflammation in the kidney with a focus on so-called cold shock proteins at the 27th Academic Ceremony of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg on November 21, 2019. These are found in almost all living organisms and play a central role in many different processes, especially in inflammation. In this context, they have cell-specific and sometimes contradictory properties.

Akademischer Festakt der Otto-von-Guericke Universität

Within the scope of his PhD, Dr. Fehr investigated the properties of the cold shock protein YB-1 in certain cells of the immune system (monocytes/macrophages) during inflammatory processes in the kidney. For this purpose, the protein YB-1 was specifically switched off in monocytes for the first time. Result: The inflammation became worse because the immune system's ability to defend itself was limited. Thus, by intervening in the regulation of cold shock proteins in these two immune cell types, the inflammation of the kidney could be positively influenced.

The now 30-year-old was supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter R. Mertens, Director of the Clinic for Kidney and Hypertensive Diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology. Dr. Fehr now works as an assistant physician in the Clinic for Urology, Urooncology, Robotic and Focal Therapy.


Photo: The winners of the dissertation prize Dr. rer. medic. Sascha Kopp (2nd from left) and Dr. med. Alexander Markus Fehr (centre) with the rector Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan (left), the mayor of the state capital Dr. Lutz Trümper (2nd from right) and the dean of the medical faculty Prof. Dr. med. Hermann-Josef Rothkötter; © Jana Dünnhaupt / University of Magdeburg

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