• Haus 60a
  • Rondell vor Haus 60

University Clinic for Nephrology and Hypertension, Diabetology and Endocrinology

Dear Patients, 


In our clinic, we are dedicated to treating and healing the various diseases of the kidneys, high blood pressure and endocrine (glandular) disorders, whereby diabetes mellitus is the most frequent disorder of the hormone balance.

Our dedicated nursing and medical treatment team offers you tailor-made therapy. Our aim is to take a holistic approach to the aspects of your illness and to carry out treatments in accordance with the latest medical findings. We continuously develop our experience and professional competence through an intensive training program, lively exchanges with other disciplines and indepth clinical and fundamental research. This commitment and the high competence of our staff distinguish our clinic.

We pay special attention to early forms of diseases that can be positively influenced by preventive measures. We also offer further education and training. You can count on our support and guidance in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

The navigation bar will lead you through the different offers of our clinic. There and on the  Contact List, you can find everything you need to know, such as contact persons and telephone numbers.  General information for patients, relatives and visitors can be found on the  Information site of the Uniclinic Magdeburg.

We offer comprehensive training in nephrology, hypertensiology, diabetology and endocrinology. If you are interested in further training in these fields or General Internal Medicine, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application. Please send them to Prof. Dr. Peter R Mertens (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology, Leipziger Str. 20, 39120 Magdeburg).

We are a dynamic young team with commitment to health care, research and teaching.

A broad research portfolio also allows interested physicians to conduct clinical studies.

Furthermore, we are integrated into research networks (Research Training Group (RTG) 2408), which allows doctors temporary exemption to pursue translational projects. 


Prof. Dr. med. Peter R. Mertens,

Director of the University Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology

Job Openings

We are always looking for committed assistant physicians

Please send your detailed written application and resume to:

Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens
Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology

Leipziger Str. 44

Logo Intelligente Sensor-ausgestattete Schuheinlage39120 Magdeburg


Volksstimme-Article "Sensor-Soles Help Diabetics"
(Urheber: Alexander Walter)

Last Modification: 27.06.2023 - Contact Person:

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